Why Sierra Leone needs a Women’s Entrepreneurship Center of Resources, Education, Access, and Training for Economic Empowerment

Africa’s women and girls offer untapped potential to drive African development. Reductions in the gender gap in education, health, and economic inclusion will result in an increase in the continent’s economic competitiveness. This week, the United States Department of State announced that its African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program will open the third new Women’s Entrepreneurship Centers of Resources, Education, Access, and Training for Economic Empowerment (WECREATE), in Mali this year, in addition to the centers already open in Zambia and Kenya. The centers are expected to create 7,194 new jobs and 630 certified female mentors by October 2016. In Africa, women are the backbone of communities and the continent’s greatest potential to unlocking economic growth. Sheriff Mahmud Ismail reports from Sierra Leone, where nearly half the population is under the age of 18. In a recent UN Population Fund (UNFPA) report focused on motherhood in childhood and adolescent pre...