Andrew Keili: Ponder My Thoughts | 40 Years in Sierra Leone Politics

No doubt about it, Sierra Leone's Andrew Keili writes potent stuff. But read these summary points and then go on to his analysis of the latest fiasco in the country. 1. Accusations against the Auditor General have been vitriolic. 2. Many [Maada Bio] supporters have cited Salone's “You do me ar do you” law. 3. Audits are the same. They indicate the absence of process, procedure, and misuse of government resources. 4. Professional [bodies] can rescind the certification of their members found wanting in egregious circumstances. 5. The Audit SLL Board is missing in action (MIA). 6. Oversight bodies are bypassed in Salone. 7. SLn lawyers are all over the map. 8. Absurdities in the 1991 Constitution. 9. Civil society orga nizations have been co-opted. 11. An exercise in futility. PONDER MY THOUGHTS by Andrew Keili "LARA TAYLOR PEARCE SAGA: NINE LESSONS BUT NO CAROLS" The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols is a service of Christian worship celebrating the birth of Je...