Take Seven | Fouad Ayoub's Greatest Selfie of all Time & Six Other Portraits

Self portrait of the artist Fouad Ayoub in 1998 Fouad Ayoub couldn’t be clearer about what he's into. His e-mail handle reads Leonardo Da Vinci . Those are big shoes to fill. And fine art experts would agree, but if Shakespeare’s “ Juliohs Siza ” was translated and appropriated into Krio, then so can Leonardo’s smoke technique, dramatic landscapes, and evocative coloring find different strokes. For decades, talented Sierra Leoneans have opened up world literature. In the 1920s, '30s and '40s, music composer Nicholas Ballanta set operas in West African villages. During the post-Independence era, playwright Tommy Decker looked to the Bard for inspiration when he wrote a full-length adaptation of the world’s most quoted play. Now, contemporary artist Fouad Ayoub aka Leonardo Da Vinci is bringing the legacy of one of the world’s greatest painters to a new audience in a way only art can: with a universal appeal crossing cultural bounda...