
"The winding roads of injustice, the treacherous bends of inequality, intolerance, exclusivity and nepotism shall be straightened; not by mere decree"

  My fellow citizens of our beloved Mama Salone, As we eagerly await the final outcomes of the work of our brothers and sisters on the Tripartite Committee, I am moved on this blessed Sunday, today, to share with you all these inspirational words: We remind ourselves that on that fateful day, June 24, 2023, our democracy stumbled.  The very pillars that should uphold our nation—transparency, accountability, and fairness—were shaken. The echoes of that flawed electoral process reverberated through our streets, leaving scars on our collective conscience.  But today, as the sun rises over our resilient land, we must stand united, determined to rewrite our story. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” These ancient words, etched in sacred biblical texts, remind us that our strength lies not in flawed systems but in our unwavering faith in God/Allah. We trust in a Sierra Leone reborn—a nation where justice will flow like the mighty Rokel River, clea

Maada Bio's war on Sierra Leone's democracy

The State Department has launched the 2023 Human Rights Report, which presents a factual, systematic account of human rights records across nearly 200 countries and territories. For Sierra Leone, significant human rights issues included: Credible reports of arbitrary or unlawful killings. Harsh and life-threatening prison conditions. Arbitrary arrest or detention. Political prisoners or detainees. Substantial interference with the freedom of peaceful assembly. Serious government corruption. Extensive gender-based violence, including domestic or intimate partner violence, sexual violence, child, early, and forced marriage.  Click here to read the full report

Who killed Sorieba in Freetown, Sierra Leone?

Maada Bio should produce the kamajor in combat gear who taunted and tormented the dazed Sorieba lying in the back of the pickup truck. The pa-o-pa terrorists should give up the killer who piggybacked Sorieba before executing him. These killers in government should give up the men in the video who were saying Ee dey loss , meaning he will disappear. Terrorists in government and their kamajor assassins are a threat to the future of Sierra Leone. Do you recognize the kamajor passing for a soldier? The one with the menacing grin. The one tormenting the dazed man in the flatbed truck. Do you recognize any of the other men? Who are the voices going back and forth with the ominous phrase: "Ee dey loss," which means he will disappear? Who gave the order to abduct Sorieba, beat him senseless, and then execute him in an extrajudicial killing?  Watch:

Sierra Leone: The Killing Fields of West Africa

Maada Bio plans to kill and bury more than 100,000 Sierra Leoneans in five years.  The murders are part of the state-sponsored pa-o-pa (terror) campaign against those who believe in constitutional democracy. During the civil war, which lasted 11 years, more than 50,000 died with almost as many maimed. 

Sierra Leone's Dubious Post-Election Agreement: A Collective Bargaining Against Democracy

  In the aftermath of Sierra Leone's highly contentious June elections, the government and the opposition All People's Congress (APC) inked an agreement on October 18th, presenting it as a solution to the nation's political divisions.  At first glance, it may seem like a step towards reconciliation and unity following post-election crises, but upon closer inspection, it becomes abundantly clear that this agreement is profoundly flawed and riddled with ambiguity and concerns that have grave implications for Sierra Leone's democratic future. Commentary by Basita Michael @MichaelBasita Ignores Electoral Irregularities and Lack of Transparency Remarkably, the agreement fails to acknowledge the numerous irregularities and the lack of transparency that marred the June elections despite these issues being meticulously documented in the European Union Election Observation Missions (EUEOM) Sierra Leone 2023 elections report.  The blatant disregard for the "statistical incon

Freetown loses its iconic landmark during heavy rainfall

  The Cotton Tree is a well-known landmark in Sierra Leone that has been around for centuries, with some estimating its age to be anywhere from 200 to 500 years old. Three years ago, the world watched in horror as witnesses captured footage of the tree burning, with flames shooting from its trunk.  When Sierra Leone celebrated the 225th anniversary of its capital city, which was founded in 1792, the city's birth story as the "Province of Freedom" had been told many times, but there are lesser-known stories in local folklore. In a powerful counter-narrative first published in 2011, Mohamed Gibril Sesay, an author, sociologist, and politician, shared a story that sheds light on a different side of the city's history.  Here's an annotated version: The "Province of Freedom" was established in 1787 by 400 formerly enslaved black individuals sent from London, England, under the auspices of the Committee for the Relief of the Black Poor. They settled in Granvil

Sixty years on: The England we saw in Sierra Leone

Prime Minister of Sierra Leone, Milton Margai(1895-1964), Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022), Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (1921-2021) in Sierra Leone, circa November 1961. Record of the royal visit by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip to Sierra Leone from 25th November to 1st December 1961.